URLy Party 🥳

A modest link-blog.

Apr 2024

BBC Open University


Apr 2024

The International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC

The work of the ICRC is based on the Geneva Conventions of 1949, their Additional Protocols, its Statutes those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence[…]


Apr 2024


Help children in need


Apr 2024

American Red Cross

Learn more about disaster prevention


Apr 2024


Find harmonious colours and more


Apr 2024

ARRL - HAM Radio (Amateur Radio)

The National Association for Amateur Radio - ARRL guides you on how to get a licence to operate a HAM Radio in the US.


Apr 2024


Builds and hacks, every day.


Apr 2024

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Stories of solving.

In a world filled with negative news, Reasons To Be Cheerful can offer you some hope and inspiration.


Apr 2024

CIA World Factbook

Depending upon who you ask this factbook contains the objective truth, or not. Nonetheless, it has a lot of useful information. Just bear in mind that it is the CIA World Factbook.


Apr 2024

Standard Ebooks

Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.

H/T: Austin Kleon


Apr 2024

Plan Ahead for Disasters | Ready.gov


Apr 2024

The Physics HypertextBook


Apr 2024

Lex’s Games

Word games that can bend your brain. From Lex Friedman.


Apr 2024

Marginalia Search

This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren’t aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed.


Apr 2024

Escaping The Amazon

The ease of access to a seemingly limitless amount of goods that Amazon provides has lessened the value of stuff for me and become more of a mouse clicking drug than a positive impact service for acquiring goods.


Apr 2024

UNESCO World Documentary Heritage

The German town of Bad Arolsen is home to the world’s largest archive on the victims and survivors of the Nazi regime: despite belonging to UNESCO’s Memory of the World, it is still not well known. Our history timeline has further interesting information

I asked for any information on my grand-uncle that died in a work camp in Vaihingen in 1945, and got copies of the paperwork from his time there. The reason I heard about ITS-AROLSEN, as it was called, was a newspaper article that showed one relative of a person who died in the Holocaust, who got personal belongings from his relative through Arolsen Archives.


Apr 2024


Over 30 channels of commercial-free, human-curated radio programming focusing on non-mainstream music.


Apr 2024

Hey, Let’s Talk About Death

Both my husband and I have jobs where we routinely work with people who are dying, and with the families of people who have recently died. (And yet, we are still fun at parties!)

Hey, Let’s Talk About Death — Anna Havron

Apr 2024

URL-encoder for SVG


Apr 2024

MacRumors - Buyer’s Guide

This page provides a product summary for each Apple model. The intent is to provide our best recommendations regarding current product cycles, and to provide a summary of currently available rumors for each model.

If you’re wondering when, or if to buy a Apple product, this is IMO the best place to start finding out.


Apr 2024


We are the largest humanitarian organization saving and changing lives worldwide

We bring life-saving relief in emergencies and use food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impacts of climate change.


Apr 2024

Real Favicon-Generator

With so many platforms and icons, it’s hard to know exactly what you should do. What are the dimensions of favicon.ico? How many Touch icons do I need? Real Favicon-Generator did the reseach and testing for you.


Apr 2024

April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day–occurring on April 1 each year–has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, though its exact origins remain a mystery. […]


Mar 2024

NetNewsWire is a free and open source RSS reader for Mac, iPhone, and iPad

It’s like podcasts – but for reading.

NetNewsWire shows you articles from your favorite blogs and news sites and keeps track of what you’ve read.


Mar 2024


A collaborative effort to name every color in the RGB/web space.
